Thursday, April 26, 2007


A snood is a net covering worn by women that holds hair neatly at the back of the net. Snoods are worn in many cultures.

Probably most common in Scotland, young unmarried women wore a circlet of ribbon around their heads as a sign that they were not married. Victorian women made snoods fashonable as part of their hats to hold their hair neatly in place underneath.

In 1924 hats with snoods were popular as wedding hair pieces. As far back as in 1942 Ginger Rogers wore a snood on her wedding day keeping it popular and perhaps even more famous Scarlett O"Hara (Vivian Leigh) wore a snood in Gone With the Wind.

Today doctors and nurses wear disposable snoods in the operating room. For obvious reasons it is a very convenient way to control ones hair.

There's snoods for dogs too! Designed for our fine haired friends with long ears it keeps their ears out of their food while they are eating.

So, when you are having a bad hair day "use a snood!" You will be impressed at how neat and polished you will look.

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